Benefits of doing legs:
for upper body growth (works the whole body/ allows it to grow proportionately as your upper body can't grow bigger if your base is small),
fat burn/metabolism increase, stability, explosiveness,
increase muscle growth hormones throughout the entire body (anabolic)
Leg exercises: squats, lunges or split squats(walking/stationary), deadlifts, leg extension, lying leg curls, calf raises(seated/standing)
a sample leg routine:
Barbell Squats
(Variations: Dumbbell Squats, Front Barbell Squats)
Leg Extension Machine
Both the above exercises targets the thighs, also know as quadriceps
another good exercise is the leg press machine.
Squats also help with the gluteus, also known as the butt muscles, allowing you to build a firmer buttock.
another good exercise is the leg press machine.
Squats also help with the gluteus, also known as the butt muscles, allowing you to build a firmer buttock.
(Variations: Stiff-leg deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts)
Lying Hamstring Curls
(Variations: Seated Hamstring Curls)
The above two exercises works the hamstrings.
While deadlifts hits the hamstrings,
it also emphasises a lot on the lower back and core to keep the body flexed and stable.
The above two exercises works the hamstrings.
While deadlifts hits the hamstrings,
it also emphasises a lot on the lower back and core to keep the body flexed and stable.
Standing Calf/Calves Raise
Do 3-4 sets of each exercise, 15-20 reps with no more than 2mins rest between sets.
Feel free to rearrange the order each session or vary the exercises/reps/weights.
Feel free to rearrange the order each session or vary the exercises/reps/weights.
Benefits of doing core:
stability, strength, it's the centre of all our movements/center of gravity, prevent injuries (lower back, spine, pelvis, shoulders) with strong core muscles.
Core exercises: planks, deadlifts, squats, mountain climbers, crunch/reverse crunch, tucked L-seat/L-seat, tucked lever, oblique twists
a sample core routine:
Start with
- Planks - 60 to 90secs
Do this
- Crunches - 15 reps
- Mountain Climbers - 20 secs
- Reverse Crunch - 15 reps
- Mountain Climbers - 20 secs
- Oblique twists/bicycle crunches - 20 reps(10 reps each side)
Repeat 3 times as a circuit with 90-120secs rest.
End off with - Planks - 60 to 90secs
- Side planks - 60 to 90secs for each side
Mountain Climbers
Side Plank
Reverse Crunches
as always remember that these are all just template workouts, you can alter them according to what works best for you :)

Girl power! :)
Special mention to Val! who requested a post on core and legs routine.
Till the next post!
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