Just browsing through the internet looking for things to blog about,
came across some quotes and an interesting fact!
Did you know:
The Greek word gymnasium means "place to be naked" and was used to designate a locality for the education of young men, including physical education (gymnastics, i.e. exercise) which was customarily performed naked, as well as bathing, and studies.
cool eh! :) I thought it was kinda interesting.
Oh! I don't know how accurate this is but I've found a new favourite quote,
No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training… what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. — Socrates
So true, what a shame it would be to never know that you can achieve the best looking physique ever in your life time.
This is the one reason I tell anyone who asks me why do I gym/workout.
I want to be able to for at least one period of my life, attain the best possible physique that I can have and not live my life with that regret. :)
Find your reason!

Till the next post!
I've seen this quote before, and identified with it. Most of my life I've been fairly fit, playing sports from primary to secondary school.
ReplyDeleteThen I found video games, grew addicted to them. For a few years, I was inactive, I lost muscle.
When I tried playing sports again, it was pathetic. Like I would try to sprint for a ball and my legs simply lacked the power and coordination to obey what my mind demanded. They would flop around like a girl's. It was all especially miserable when I knew what I was previously capable of.
I changed, went to the gym, read up on workouts for sports. Now I'm addicted to it, the feeling of your body growing stronger, of being in complete mastery of your movements, of being able to do whatever you want. It's a wonderful thing.
QUOTED FOR TRUTH. One must know the feeling of a powerful body.
Hi Jerome