Sunday 23 November 2014

What to watch!

Here's a good video that explains real simply why someone just can't lose weight.

The first point shared is pretty much in the same sense for someone like me who wants to gain weight. But of course this video explains weight loss.

Till the next post!

Monday 23 June 2014


I often feel that the lack of discipline and commitment could be supplemented by a work out buddy or a trainer. Someone to keep you accounted for and to motivate and push you further.
While building your physique is ultimately all up to you, having someone there to train with you can be that very boost you need to better yourself.

Watching "Generation Iron" made me realise how important it is to have like-minded people around you to work and play together, pushing each other to improve themselves.
The many fitness instagram accounts I follow also reinforces this fact that no man is an island and having a gym/training buddy can really help you stay the course.

Need a gym buddy!

Thursday 20 March 2014

Random Tip of the Week.

Supplement your diet with a protein shake if you find it hard to meet your daily protein intake, assuming you workout (1-1.5g per pound of your weight).

That's about 145-210g a day for me. (8 x 100g chicken breast)

Tuesday 18 March 2014

It's better to start over than give up forever.

So here goes, first session of trying to get back to my workout routine. I decided to start this day off with chest and triceps. Honestly damn lazy to hit the gym especially since Tuesdays are my longest day in school. Argh, but I need to start somewhere, why not the toughest day eh?

Monday 17 March 2014

Blogging on the go.

I just realised that I can blog while on the go, as well as while I'm idle and waiting. Maybe then I wouldn't be so lazy to update this page and excuse myself with gaming and drama series and youtube.
Anyway once again im off gym. Finding no motivation at all, other than the occasional sadness of losing the definition as the weeks go by.
Trying to convince myself to get back on track this week.. let's see how it goes. :(

Friday 28 February 2014

What to watch!

Check out this series by

It teaches the very basics of human muscle and skeletal anatomy and give some advice of exercises to target the various muscle groups.
The series starts of with legs which is really great as it is by far the best muscle group to train in order to see growth (also often the most neglected).

Basically these videos visualise the long detailed articles that we read on fitness sites or magazines and makes it more entertaining to learn and educate ourselves in the body's muscle functions.

Ideal for both guys and girls to learn from, the first half will feature Craig and the second half of the series features Jen their female model.