

I’m Jerome, 23 this year.
My current weight is 62kg, the heaviest I've been was 68kg
My height is 174cm(5'8)
Bodyfat Percentage: Highest 16%, Lowest 11%

The gym is my second home.
I started off with calisthenics(bodyweight exercises) before moving on to the free weights and machines in the gym, though I still really enjoy calisthenics.

Currently an undergraduate at National University of Singapore, Faculty of Arts and Social Science, Majoring in Economics

Probably the best I've achieved so far, about 1 year worth of training and somewhat dieting.

Some beliefs that I live by

I believe that there shouldn't be any excuses when it comes to working out and keeping fit.
In life it's best to strike a balance and do things in moderation as with exercising."To many, total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation."So stop finding the easy or lazy way but go out there and find that perfect moderation.
Stop giving yourself the excuse that's preventing you from getting there.

Why I started this blog
Have you ever dreamed of having a body like the model on the front cover of a fitness magazine? 
But was also afraid that you'll get too bulky and huge that you might scare people away?
I did.

Then I thought, why can't I achieve that level between the average Joe and the Fitness model?
It can't be THAT difficult!

So with that thought in mind, I set out to keep a fit body, and at the same time, achieve a commendable physique.
With a little bit of dedication and sacrifice, I believe that we can all work towards a healthy and toned body that will in turn inspire others to achieve it as well.
So join me on this journey to build a better you: nothing too extreme like those fitness models on magazine covers but a lifestyle easily attained by any and everyone.

This blog serves as a platform to share my experience and my journey to achieving the best physique that I can.

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