Thursday 17 May 2012

More Content!

I understand that one thing this blog lacks is more visual enticement.
Videos, pictures, images... But I need a camera man!
Hopefully come July I'll be able to make this blog more lively and visually pleasing.
July, cause that's when I end my temp job.
Work has been taking up most of my day but I'll try to find time to make more detailed posts.

I'll also most probably be getting the new Samsung Galaxy S3 in June, so that'll mean a handy video cam/camera which I can use to supplement my blog with videos and pictures :)

I'll try to get a partner to work with me on gym days so that I can have someone help me capture my workout routines.

In the meantime, press on with your workouts and diet!
Feel free to leave any questions or suggestions as a comment or on my blog's facebook page!

Till the next post!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Legs and Core, Don't Neglect Them!

Benefits of doing legs:
for upper body growth (works the whole body/ allows it to grow proportionately as your upper body can't grow bigger if your base is small),
fat burn/metabolism increase, stability, explosiveness,
increase muscle growth hormones throughout the entire body (anabolic)

Leg exercises: squats, lunges or split squats(walking/stationary), deadlifts, leg extension, lying leg curls, calf raises(seated/standing)

a sample leg routine:

Barbell Squats
(Variations: Dumbbell Squats, Front Barbell Squats)

Leg Extension Machine

Both the above exercises targets the thighs, also know as quadriceps
another good exercise is the leg press machine.
Squats also help with the gluteus, also known as the butt muscles, allowing you to build a firmer buttock.

(Variations: Stiff-leg deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts)


Lying Hamstring Curls
(Variations: Seated Hamstring Curls)

The above two exercises works the hamstrings.
While deadlifts hits the hamstrings,
 it also emphasises a lot on the lower back and core to keep the body flexed and stable.

Standing Calf/Calves Raise

Do 3-4 sets of each exercise, 15-20 reps with no more than 2mins rest between sets.
Feel free to rearrange the order each session or vary the exercises/reps/weights.


Benefits of doing core:
stability, strength, it's the centre of all our movements/center of gravity, prevent injuries (lower back, spine, pelvis, shoulders) with strong core muscles.

Core exercises: planks, deadlifts, squats, mountain climbers, crunch/reverse crunch, tucked L-seat/L-seat, tucked lever, oblique twists

a sample core routine:

          Start with

  • Planks - 60 to 90secs
Side planks - 60 to 90secs for each side

         Do this
  • Crunches - 15 reps
  • Mountain Climbers - 20 secs
  • Reverse Crunch - 15 reps
  • Mountain Climbers - 20 secs
  • Oblique twists/bicycle crunches - 20 reps(10 reps each side)
    Repeat 3 times as a circuit with 90-120secs rest.

    End off with
  • Planks - 60 to 90secs
  • Side planks - 60 to 90secs for each side

Mountain Climbers

Side Plank

Reverse Crunches

as always remember that these are all just template workouts, you can alter them according to what works best for you :)

Girl power!  :)

Special mention to Val! who requested a post on core and legs routine.

Till the next post!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

On a New Blog Site


Firstly, I'll like to welcome you to my new blog site. I've moved over to blogger from wordpress.
I really like wordpress but sadly there were some limitations to it which made me move over to blogger.

I apologise for any inconvenience I may have caused to get you to move over to this new site with me.
Thank you for all the support thus far and do continue to check in regularly to my fitness and lifestyle blog here on blogspot.

I don't think I'll be posting anymore things on the wordpress blog so feel free to subscribe to my new blog through twitter, facebook page or email to keep up to date with the postings here.

More posts coming soon!

Work hard, Train hard, No excuses  >:)

Till the next post!

Monday 7 May 2012

Sunday 6 May 2012

Calisthenics Circuit - Video

Spent half my Saturday doing up this video.
It'll show you how to do the Calisthenics Routine that I talked about and shared in my previous post.
Hopefully it can guide you with your workouts!

Till the next post! 

Thursday 3 May 2012

My Calisthenic Routine.

I began my body building journey with calisthenics (bodyweight exercises).
Some of the key exercises I always have in every routine are push ups and pull ups.
When available my other favourite exercise is doing dips on the parallel bars.
So here is a sample routine that I would recommend, effective for a good pump and getting your heart rate up.

1. Pull ups - 10 reps (you'll need to invest in a pull up bar if you're planning to do this at home)
2. Squats - 20 reps
3. Push ups - 20 reps
4. Crunches - 20 reps

Do this total body workout as a circuit in the order above with 2 mins rest between each circuit.
Go through the entire circuit for 5 times, 3-4 days a week for the first week. ( I used to do it 5 days a week)
For the second week, go through the circuit 8 times, 3-4 days a week.
From the third or fourth week onwards, go through the circuit 10 times, 3-4 days a week.

You can do this workout at a fitness corner near your home, if not you can do it as a home workout.
If you find difficulty increasing the number of circuits, you can take 2 - 3 weeks before you start on the next level.
This workout can be completed in 20-30mins, that's all you need in a day, just 30mins of committed hard work and I can most certainly assure you a good toned body in 2-3months.

Note: if you are unable to do pull ups, you can do it assisted if not hang from the pull up bar for 20-30secs each circuit or step up onto a chair and do negatives pull ups (i.e lowering yourself slowly from the pulled up position)
Also feel free to do variations of pull ups, push ups, abs exercises and trade squats for lunges.

Hope this helps and that you'll see positive results in no time :)

Till the next post!  

Wednesday 2 May 2012

TheFittingPhysique's Facebook Page.

I've created a Facebook page for this blog.
I'll be posting videos, pictures and short posts on that page whenever I can so do like the page or check it out when you can!
Post your questions, opinions, views and comments here on this blog or at the Facebook page :)
Other readers may not view your comments on this blog so if you would like to share it on the Facebook page, I'll be able to answer your queries and at the same time allow everyone to share and exchange information and tips and to learn from one another.
I'm always on Facebook, but I might not have the time to check in on my blog as often, so it'll be good if you can post your questions on TheFittingPhysique's Facebook page.
This way, it'll also be easier for you to refer to the answers and information easily.

Feel free to like the page and the bottom of this blog and also feel free to follow this blog's twitter :)
Thank you for the support :)

Till the next post!